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Wonderfruit Festival 2014.

Not just music but the 'art and culture' festival. The hippest and coolest festival Thailand has ever seen, Wonderfruit Festival; where music collaborates with food inside the world of dreamy illusion of art and architecture.

It seemed like all the people in social and fashion scene had transformed themselves into the 'Wonderers' during the three days and two nights in Pattaya, Thailand.

The settings were breathtaking with lots of activities to indulge the hippie-spirits making the Wonderers completely lost into the dream. 

The performances, even though, delivered by artists with names relatively unfamiliar to most Thais, but as they say "music knows no boundary and language", the festival-goers were enormously enjoyed, and when added up to the stages, lighting, and atmosphere, the experience was, as described, "soul-sucking"!

Woodkid's is Khun Yolwaree favourite, "the lights were superb and music were coolest!"

What really awesome about the festival is the tents created by the known artists and designers.

'Taste Of Wonder' by Taste of noWHere's Khun Chalisa Viravan from Vogue Thailand.

'VICK'S Happy Farm' by Vick's Weekend

And, the unknown who wish to "gift their skills to the show" could apply through the website. Wasn't that amazing? 

Experience Wonderfruit Festival through others' pair of eyes at

Yolwaree, The Founder & Designer.

Nose Earrings in Platinum  from Surreal by HOJ

T-Rex Bracelet  (Available at Haus Of Jewelry)


Some images courtesy of Instagram account belonged to wonderfruitfestival and tasteofnowhere


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